A Conversation with Lin-Manuel Miranda

A Conversation with Lin-Manuel Miranda featuring a cast from Inwood showcases Lin-Manuel's love of his upper Manhattan neighborhood. Raised and still living in Inwood, Lin-Manuel talks about growing up in a house on Payson Avenue, his subway commute uptown and downtown, and how the neighborhood has inspired him.

The Inwood community includes Jason Minter of Indian Road Cafe, Manuel Ramirez of Dichter Pharmacy and Soda Shoppe, actresses Oona Higgins and Carly Ayala, Franchesca of Mr. Nice Guy burger truck, fashion designer JuanKey Miranda (no relation to Lin-Manuel), Dorka and her client Scarlett from Dorka's Unisex Salon, Rob Kleinbardt of New Heights Realty, and Corona and Barry Waldrop.

The music selected is a nod to Lin-Manuel's wedding video; He surprised his wife, Vanessa, with a performance featuring their families using the same song.

A Conversation with. . .is an offshoot of a larger project, We are Inwood.

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