If it's not one thing, it's another: What’s in Your Bag? A Tale from Subterranea
I can tell when the warm weather is
here to stay because those long tables set up by the NYPD to search our bags in
the subway stations are gone and so are the gaggles of women holding religious
tracts at the 207th Street stop of the A train. It’s just too darn
hot to proselytize and stop and inspect the perspiring masses when temperatures
on subway platforms and stations reach triple digits. But I have discovered a
theory as to why women’s bags aren’t searched as often as the ones belonging to
their male counterparts.
My theory is
that men are selected because they travel lighter. Let’s face it. A wallet and a
small bag get you in and out and off to your destination quickly. My
handbag/suitcase weights 27 pounds. I know. I weighed it myself. A heavy bag,
by the way, also serves as a deterrent to a purse-snatcher. He just might trip
over it, and it requires some measure of dexterity to remove the bag from my
shoulder; this involves a shoulder roll followed by a twist and drop.
Sometimes I find things that I can’t
recall even placing in my handbag, including a desiccated banana, a flat but
still edible Devil Dog and a crumpled bag of dark chocolate Raisinets, pennies picked up from the
street, and many pens lurking at the bottom. I once emptied my bag of a
typewriter, a pair of shoes, two bottles of Yoo-Hoo and three Kit-Kats, plus a toothbrush,
wallet, telephone, makeup kit, keys, tissues, a book about cemeteries in the
city, and someone else’s umbrella. It would
take a good 40 minutes to empty my bag. And then everything has to get pushed and
shoved back in and organized. What police officer has the time for that? And if
there’s a quota system, I’ve just disrupted the numbers.
And, I’m one of those compelled to
explain my belongings and purchases and everything else. You know the type.
“I’ve had this keychain since the
sixth grade, Officer.”
“Remember Starsky and Hutch?”
“No, you don’t look like either
one, but I was just wondering.”
“ I don’t have a dog but let me
explain why I have a squeaky dog toy in my bag… “
“Do you shop at Lord & Taylor?
What do you think of this blouse?”
“The wallet? That was a gift for my
last birthday. I like all of the compartments.”
“No, that’s not for bullets, that’s
a toothbrush holder.”
“THAT’S personal.”
“My driver’s license photo makes me
look like one of the Muppets. Do you
think I should have it redone?”
“Pardon me, but those are Tic-Tacs.”
“Oh, look. Here are photographs
from my vacation. Check this out.”
“Do you think $249 is too much to
spend on a sweater?.”
“And What do you think of these blue shoes? They match my eyes.”
“No, you can’t borrow them.”
“Very funny. This doesn’t belong to
Alex Rodriguez. These are my knitting needles.”
“That’s just my phone barking."
Now just imagine the same man shedding
his civil service role and crossing over to the other side, returning home
after seven hours of examining the miscellaneous contents of bags belonging to
my fellow travelers and me as we trek below ground, and dropping wearily onto a
recliner, eyes closed, and then his wife bursts through the door.
“Guess what I found on sale!?”